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Have you ever noticed the words “Recovery Mode” on your thermostat? Although this might imply your Brunswick, GA HVAC system is rebounding from a calamity, it’s a common feature in modern thermostats. Here is a simple definition of “recovery mode” and what causes it.

Meaning of Recovery Mode

Understanding the cause of recovery mode brings peace of mind and equips you to manage it better in the future. This is a feature that’s activated when your thermostat is regulating your home’s temperature.

If your thermostat is off or in energy-saving mode for an extended time, it enters “recovery mode.” During temperature adjustments, the thermostat also enters recovery mode to reach the desired temperature efficiently, conserving energy.

What Causes Recovery Mode?

Several possible explanations exist for your thermostat entering recovery mode. One straightforward reason is that you have activated this feature in your system’s settings. It’s important to note that this occurrence is normal and should not be a cause for concern.

Seeing the recovery mode displayed on your device can be a surprise. If the recovery mode displays without preset temperature settings on your thermostat, it may signal a potential issue. Allow an HVAC installation and repair professional to check the system for you.

Such situations may arise due to power surges or glitches in the thermostat’s software or hardware. In the event of a power surge, your thermostat may undergo a complete reset, deleting all settings.

How to Fix the Problem

There are different ways of fixing recovery mode in your thermostat settings. If you’re not comfortable with the recovery mode displaying on the system, it’s possible to disable the settings. Alternatively, you can delay when recovery mode runs by just adjusting the temperature a few hours back.

Contact The A/C Guys for professional indoor air quality services. Our skilled technicians will identify the problem, perform repairs and provide comprehensive servicing to maximize system efficiency.

Image provided by iStock

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